
Fee Payment


  • Monthly school fees should be paid on or before the 10th of each month.
  • The fees can be paid by cash or by cheque in school account at the school office.
  • If the cheques are returned or dishonoured, then penalty of Rs. 500/- per cheque will be charged on each return.
  • Admission fee will be paid at the time of admission only as per Fee Table.
  • Term fees will be paid twice in a year that is in the beginning of the new session in No-vember and in mid of the year in May month.
  • If the monthly school fees are not paid on or before the due date then the late payment fine of Rs. 100/-will be charged.
  • If fee is not paid continuously for 3 or more than 3 months, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls from the school without any prior notice.
  • Fees will be accepted at the school office during office time only.
  • The fee card must be brought at each time of fee payment. The entries of payment is done in fee card.
  • The fee card has to be taken care whole year and if the fee card is lost, then can be obtained from the school on payment of Rs.100/-